Individual Session

Family Constellations

Constellations allow us to break destructive family patterns. It gives us a deeper understanding on the “why” we feel certain emotions and/or “how” we handle certain situations. We realize how we are still affected by tragic events which remained unsolved in our families.

Then we literally enter into a new image of ourselves, a new way to feel as one piece. After a constellation we arrive at a stronger and clearer position.

A Family Constellation can be a unique therapeutic intervention, it doesn’t necessarily require a continuous therapy.

Therapeutic Process:

In our work of therapeutic help, we use the Constellations’ method created by Bert Hellinger.

We respect the orders of love, belonging, order and balance, natural laws systematized by this author.

A private session of Family Constellations approaches the drawing of a Family Tree, which brings a more compassionate and respectful look towards the family members.

It begins with a brief discussion on the proposed theme, questions about your family structure and relevant historical events lived by past generations. After a brief moment of introspection, meditation, you will be asked to choose several figures representing family members. Putting them onto the table deliberately, drawing the picture that is called Family Constellations. From this moment on the cooperative and intuitive process begins.

By looking at your family’s structure and observing how things change as figures are moved, deep feelings are awakened. Those feelings are rapidly relieved by the use of healing sentences. These sentences are able to solve questions and bring compassion that allows to the family’s balance to be reestablished. The healing sentences, when said at the right moment, can determine a change of heart.

At the end of the process you will feel and understand what you came looking for.

Do you want to book your private session?


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