Group sessions

Family Constellations

Taking part in a Family Constellations session can help to free oneself from habits, anxiety patterns, anger and depression. This therapy enables you to bring into consciousness, patterns and dynamics from your family system which are often the cause of financial inconsistency, addiction, relationship and health issues. A Family Constellations session is a place that offers the possibility of resolution and healing – providing the tools to disengage oneself from the unconscious loyalty to wounds. This way you will be free to reconnect with the family on a higher level.

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Therapeutic procedure:

In a Family Constellations group session, the individual can play 3 different roles:

•        The Constellation is structured to answer his or her personal theme;

•         Play a role in another person’s Constellation;

•        Assist the session, being part of a group that supports the Constellation.

No matter what role one plays, everybody is involved and can profit from the Constellation. To experience the other’s living enables to solve personal pending questions.

No previous experience or knowledge is necessary to take part in a Family Constellations session and everybody can profit from the experience.

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