Appointments Dietary Counselling

Mafalda Jorge Raw Vegan Food Counseling
Aveludado de abacate e aveia germinada
Avocado Cream with Oat Sprouts

In the dietary counselling appointments, we will help you to become aware of your body, to listen to it, so you can choose the food that suits you, allowing you to optimize performance in all areas of your life.

This service will guide you on the first steps towards a healthy diet. The counselling is adjusted to each individual, which allows you to make the changes at your own rhythm, without strong impacts, and full of tasty. New flavours, for you and your whole family.

Your purpose can be losing weight, nourishment re-education, wellbeing, health issues or a gradual shift into a vegetarian, vegan or raw diet.

This service is addressed not only for those who want to learn how to cook in a healthier way, but also for those who already have healthy practices in the kitchen but want to learn new techniques.


In person (at home) or via Skype
Session: 60 minutes


Personal counselling takes a minimum of 5 sessions and includes a brief introduction followed by practical recipes for those who are taking their first steps.

If you wish to continue with the counselling, we propose a 5-session pack, where we will show many more recipes and new techniques to teach you, so you can create your own recipes.

Consultation in person or via Skype

Would you like to book an appointment?


"A day with living food!"

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"A day with living food!"

A complete menu with 5 practical, healthy and tasty recipes.

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